From the Desk of Chris Trahan Cain, Executive Director | |
New Data Bulletin Examines Apprenticeships in Construction | |
A crucial part of preparing the construction workforce are registered apprenticeships, which simultaneously provide training and paid experience. The January 2024 issue of CPWR’s Data Bulletin builds on “The State of Registered Apprenticeship Training in the Construction Trades” report, to be released later this month. The Data Bulletin examines new apprenticeships in the industry by program sponsor, training model, median wage, and demographics, with a deeper look at women and Hispanic apprentices. From 2015 to 2021, there were nearly 750,000 new registered apprentices in the construction trades, with women accounting for 4.1% of registrations and Hispanics accounting for over a quarter (28.7%) of them.
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Eight Hazard Alert Cards Updated
CPWR now offers more than 35 Hazard Alert Cards -- short, image-driven materials that deliver simple, direct messages about protecting construction workers against safety and health hazards. Over the past year nine of the 35 have been updated with the latest guidance: Back Injuries, Confined Spaces, Eye Injuries, Noise and Hearing Loss, Opioids, Silica, Suicide Prevention, Trenches, and Working in the Heat. There is also a new card on Epoxy Resin Systems. Each Hazard Alert is available in two formats. Printed cards, folded to “pocket size” of 3½” x 5½”, can be ordered for free, and one-page PDFs, in English and Spanish, are available online.
Save the Date for This Year’s Stand-Downs
CPWR is proud to again be a co-sponsor of events targeting two of the leading causes of death and injury among construction workers. National Work Zone Awareness Week will take place April 15-19, including the fifth annual National Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-by Incidents. Learn how to participate in the event and about this hazard -- including resources to make workers safer -- on our Struck-by Hazards webpage. Coming May 6-10 is the 11th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. Part of the year-round Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction, the Falls Stand-Down has provided guidance and free materials to hundreds of thousands of people across the industry over the past decade. Watch for updates on how to sign up and order hardhat stickers, Hazard Alert Cards, and more.
Nanomaterials in Construction Dashboard Updated
The Nanomaterials in Construction Data Dashboard, released last fall, has received its first quarterly update. It now features more than 900 products listed in the eLCOSH Nano Inventory and displays the current number of products analyzed on each screen. To learn more about the dashboard, as well as other ways CPWR is helping workers be safer when they are using these products, watch November’s webinar “Nanomaterials in Construction: CPWR Research and Resources,” which is available free and on-demand.
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Thursday, January 25 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern (30 min.)
CPWR Physicians’ Alerts: Short Guides to Talking to Your Medical Provider about Work-Related Hazards
Medical providers may overlook work-related conditions construction workers face if they are not familiar with patients’ work history and exposure to hazards. To help workers get treatment they need, CPWR has created a series of Physicians’ Alerts that facilitate direct conversations between patient and provider. The alerts cover topics such as contact dermatitis, silica-related illnesses, pain management (opioids), work-related asthma, and the newest addition – pregnant worker safety and health. Each helps workers share knowledge about on-the-job hazards so their providers can better factor in information critical to providing proper diagnoses, treatment, and workplace accommodations. The Alerts also contain best practices to prevent and mitigate exposure-related conditions. Learn about these FREE resources, as well as the new work-related task lists by construction occupation that can be used alongside the alerts, in this short webinar.
Moderator: Chris Cain, CIH, Executive Director, CPWR
- Jessica Bunting, MPH, Director, Research to Practice, CPWR
- Rosa Greenberg, MPH, Research Analyst, Research to Practice, CPWR
Click here to register and submit a question for our panelists in advance.
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January 15-19, Las Vegas -- MCAA 2024 Safety & Health Conference
Tuesday, 1/16, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. and 2:45-3:45 p.m.
CPWR Resources to Improve Safety and Health in Construction
- Jessica Bunting, Director, Research to Practice, CPWR
- Babak Memarian, Director, Exposure Control Technologies Research, CPWR
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AIHA Offers Guidance for Reducing Risk in Renovation and Demolition
The American Industrial Hygiene Association has posted a blog focused on risk reduction and insurance in renovation and demolition projects. Written by an expert involved in responses to the 9/11 attacks and to hurricanes, the blog can help insurance industry clients, brokers, and carriers anticipate hazards and mitigate risks from asbestos, lead, and mold risks to workers.
Nominations Open for the 2024 Prevention through Design Award
The NIOSH Prevention Through Design (PtD) award recognizes individuals, teams, businesses, and other organizations that have eliminated or reduced hazards through design or re-design efforts or have contributed to the body of knowledge that enables PtD solutions. NIOSH presents the award in partnership with the AIHA, ASSP, and NSC. Nominations for the 2024 Award are now being accepted and are due March 1. To learn how to submit a nomination, visit the PtD Award website. AIHA will host the 2024 PtD Award ceremony at AIHA Connect in Columbus, Ohio, May 20-22.
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