June 2020
From the Desk of Chris Trahan Cain, Executive Director
New Data Bulletin Examines the Coronavirus and Health Disparities Among Construction Workers
 The new issue of CPWR's Data Bulletin provides updated employment and health information on construction workers and risk estimates in the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings show that nearly 60% of the construction labor force has at least one factor (old age, underlying medical conditions, smoking, e-cigarette use, or severe obesity) for potentially higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19, similar to the working population in general. Also, not only are the Bulletin's charts available for download (in PowerPoint) from the CPWR website, but for the first time, the data (in Excel) used to create the charts are included.
COVID-19 Clearinghouse Continues to Add Resources
The CPWR COVID-19 Construction Clearinghouse, which gives our industry easier access to reliable and current information about the coronavirus, keeps growing. This free, online collection now offers more than 100 resources on crucial topics such as Guidance on Workplace Practices, State and Local Requirements, Training Resources, and many others. If you know of resources to suggest for the Clearinghouse, particularly innovative practices and equipment being used on job sites to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please email us at [email protected]. Our staff will follow up to learn more.
Working Safely in Hot WeatherAs summer begins, construction workers need to remember and address the risks of heat-related illnesses and, in severe cases, death. Our Working in Hot Weather page offers resources we've developed about heat hazards, including a Hazard Alert, infographics, and a Toolbox Talk; it also links to materials from NIOSH and OSHA.
New Infographics for #KeepTeenWorker Safe Campaign
CPWR is a partner in the #KeepTeenWorkersSafe campaign, which promotes workplace safety and health resources for teen workers and shares information with teens, parents, teachers, and employers. CPWR has developed two new infographics for use in social media, print materials and presentations.
Estimating Exposure to Health Hazards: An Evidence-Based Approach
In the May issue of ASSP's Professional Safety Journal, CPWR's Babak Memarian and Sara B. Brooks highlight the Exposure Control Database, the interactive online tool that helps estimate exposure to four workplace hazards: silica, welding fumes, noise, and lead. The database, which collects measurements from the field, helps practitioners select and apply engineering controls, one of the most effective means for protecting workers by reducing exposure to these hazards. The article also notes the limitations and lack of consistency in current air sampling procedures and outlines a new approach to standardize and improve data collection and data sharing processes. Read the article.
TODAY at 2:00 p.m. E.T.: COVID-19 Webinar Series: COVID-19 -- Data-Driven Insights on Job Site Activity
COVID-19 has changed the construction landscape. As part of our collective efforts to keep the construction industry informed and up-to-date, CPWR and NIOSH will be hosting a bimonthly webinar series on topics related to COVID-19.
In our inaugural episode, receive updates from G. Scott Earnest, associate director for construction, Office of Construction Safety and Health at NIOSH, and Chris Trahan Cain, executive director of CPWR. Then hear from Kristopher Lengieza, senior director of business development at Procore, about data-driven insights on recent construction job site activity that can help industry stakeholders and economists analyze trends, debate potential courses of action, and decide on the best path forward as construction work picks up throughout the United States. Following the presentations, there will be an opportunity for Q&A. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please do so at registration.
The next webinar in this series will take place Wednesday, June 17. A description and registration information will be available soon.
Please be aware that the webinar platform only supports 1,000 people attending live; however, everyone who registers for an event will automatically receive the recording.