Time to learn more about your company's Safety Climate?
CPWR's new online Safety Climate Assessment Tool (S-CAT) lets firms compare their safety climate to industry benchmarks
When a company's management and workers alike believe that safety is valued, recognized and rewarded, that means it has a positive Safety Climate. Thousands of construction contractors and others in the industry have already used CPWR's popular safety climate workbook to review and improve their company's safety climate across eight leading indicators. Now CPWR has a new S-CAT website that companies can use to learn more about safety climate and complete a Safety Climate Assessment Tool (S-CAT) to measure their safety climate maturity in more detail. Visitors to the website learn about safety climate and then can answer the S-CAT questions for each indicator. Once done, users receive a personal feedback report with their scores for each indicator as well as comparisons to industry averages, and ideas for making improvements. Want to learn more? CLICK HERE to access all of CPWR's Safety Climate tools and research, including: - The S-CAT website
- A new edition of the safety climate workbook, including the S-CAT
- Editable versions of the leading indicator worksheets, giving companies flexibility to tailor the worksheets to match their needs
- A recorded webinar explaining the S-CAT and how to use the online tool
- Reports and published studies on Safety Culture and Climate in construction
New Hazard Alert: Cold Weather
Just in time for winter, CPWR has added an updated Hazard Alert on Working in Cold Weather to its popular series. The sturdy pocket brochures are written in plain language and contain powerful color illustrations. They are great handouts for toolbox talks and training classes. For hard copies, email CPWR; this and other Hazard Alerts can also be downloaded as 8x11 flyers. Looking for more ways to protect yourself and your employees? Check out our Cold Weather toolbox talk, and take some time out to view our webinar on solutions to cold weather hazards in construction.
For a complete selection of topics, visit CPWR's Handouts and Toolbox Talks page!
RESEARCH NEWS Lean Production and Safety in Construction
Lean management techniques are designed to eliminate waste from the production process, and regard worker illness and injury as a source of inefficiency. However, if managers and workers see lean construction simply as a matter of accelerated production and just-in-time delivery, they may undermine safety by adopting risk-taking behaviors. Supported by a CPWR small study grant, John Gambatese and a team at Oregon State University have examined the alignment of lean principles and practices with safety behavior in the building industry. The authors have published their results in the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, and CPWR hosts a one-page summary of the study's key findings on our website.
Pete Stafford
Executive Director
May 8-12, 2017: The National Fall Prevention Campaign presents our 4th Annual Stand-Down to Stop Construction Falls. For more information on past Stand-Downs and how to participate, visit StopConstructionFalls
Wednesday, December 14th @ 2:00pm (ET): Near Miss Information Visualization Tool in BIM for Construction Safety (30 min). In recent years, several safety and health improvements have been realized through use of Building Information Modeling (BIM). One such improvement can be found in the collection, analysis and visualization of safety leading indicator data including near miss events. Dr. Eric Marks of the University of Alabama will review his research on a framework for near miss data collection and visualization within a BIM platform. CLICK TO REGISTER
Ashley Schoenfisch, Hester Lipscomb, Clayton Sinyai and Darrin Adams, 2016. Effectiveness of OSHA Outreach Training on carpenters' work-related injury rates, Washington State 2000-2008. American Journal of Industrial Medicine
RF radiation: An invisible danger. Journeyman Roofer and Waterproofer, Q3 2016
Nail gun safety: Which trigger do you use? Journeyman Roofer and Waterproofer, Q3 2016
Less than half of construction workers consider their workplace 'very safe': report. Safety + Health, 11/2/2016
Is Your Workplace Safe? Concrete Construction, 11/2/2016