August 2019
From the Desk of Chris Trahan Cain, Executive Director
Safe + Sound Week Begins August 12!
 CPWR is a proud partner in the Safe + Sound Campaign, a nationwide effort to raise awareness of the value of workplace safety and health programs. These programs can identify and manage workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness, improving sustainability and the bottom line. Participating in Safe + Sound Week -- taking place August 12 - 18 -- can help start a new health and safety program, energize an existing one, or recognize your safety successes.
Last year, more than 2,700 businesses of all sizes made this commitment to improving worker safety and health.
New Guide Examines Key Hazards to Workers' Long-Term Health
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) has released " Focus Four for Health: An Initiative to Address Four Major Construction Health Hazards." Developed by AIHA's Construction Committee, it highlights the impact that health hazards can have on workers and businesses and provides practical steps that can be taken to control them. This guidance booklet concentrates on manual material handling, noise, air contaminants and high temperatures and provides a companion piece for the construction industry's long-running Focus Four program that targets the top four fatal injury hazards.
Heat-related deaths among construction workers in the United States
Xiuwen Sue Dong, Gavin H. West, Alfreda Holloway-Beth, Xuanwen Wang, and Rosemary K. Sokas. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2019. Read the Key Findings.
Moving research into practice to improve jobsite safety climate and safety outcomes: The Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) training program Linda M. Goldenhar, PhD, Natalie Schwatka, PhD, Stefanie K. Johnson, PhD, Marissa A. Beldon, MPH. CPWR Report. 2019. Read the report.
Essential Elements for Effective Safety and Health Education in Postsecondary Construction Career Technical Education Diane Bush, Charlotte Chang, Kimberly Rauscher, and Doug Myers. New Solutions, 2019. Read the Key Findings.
Wednesday, August 21st at 2:00 p.m. E.T.: A Look at CPWR's Spanish Language Materials & Resources
The number of Hispanic workers and contractors in construction continues to increase, and they are at a greater risk of fatal injury than their white, non-Hispanic counterparts, even though the gap has shrunk over time. To contribute to continued progress, CPWR has been translating our training materials, contractor tools, and worker handouts into Spanish. Highlighting these resources during this 30-minute webinar will be Kathy Tolentino-Gonzalez, program assistant for CPWR's Research to Practice (r2p) program.
Note: The live webinar will take place in English but we will also make it available on-demand in Spanish following the event. Register Here.
Flagger Safety 101, July 28, 2019, Safety + Health: The Official Magazine of the National Safety Council Congress and Expo
CPWR has job openings on our Research and Training teams. Visit our Career Opportunities page for the current vacancies and instructions on applying.