October 2018
From the Desk of Chris Trahan Cain, Executive Director
Safety Climate Assessment Tool for Small Contractors (S-CATsc)
![](http://files.constantcontact.com/92ce594b101/638fd56f-8ec4-4c2a-9630-6414ebbfeb87.png) The construction industry recognizes the importance of creating a strong positive safety culture and safety climate to help reduce jobsite injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. To help contractors strengthen their jobsite safety climate we have produced a number of tools and resources, including some targeted to meet the needs of small contractors.
One of these tools is the Safety Climate Assessment Tool for Small Contractors or S-CATsc. This new tool, initiated by the Roofing Research to Practice (r2p) Partnership with the National Roofing Contractors Association and the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, is designed to help small construction company employers and their employees assess and improve their jobsite safety climate. The S-CAT sc lists the eight leading safety climate indicators and related statements. For each statement, the user is prompted to select the option that best describes how the company is currently doing (e.g., already does this well, would need help doing this, etc.)
The S-CAT sc can be downloaded from our website or completed online. If completed online, the S-CATsc generates a report that summarizes how the contractor is doing in terms of their overall safety climate as well as suggestions for improvement. Contractors can also ask their employees to complete the S-CATsc to see how their responses match up with their employees' responses. To use the online version with employees and receive a company-level report, contact [email protected]. There's no need to register or create and account: the assessment is free of charge and participants remain anonymous.
Based on what we learn from companies completing the S-CAT sc we will be developing tools and resources small contractors can use to improve their jobsite safety climate. For more information about our safety climate work visit the Safety Culture and Safety Climate section of CPWR's website.
Hazard Alert: Isocyanates
Isocyanates are highly reactive chemicals that are used in many construction products, such as paints, glues, and spray polyurethane foams (SPF or spray foam insulation). If you apply SPF roofing systems, foam insulation, or coatings on floors, bridges, or steel structures, you may be at risk. Exposure to isocyanates is linked to occupational asthma - but you can protect yourself. To learn how, check out CPWR's Hazard Alert on Isocyanates (right). Download it as a flyer in either English or Spanish, or email us for a bundle of print copies in pocket brochure format. There is also a related Toolbox Talk in English and Spanish.
Are Safety Materials Designed with Workers in Mind?
Printed materials for training and hazard communication are an essential part of occupational safety and health programs, but they must be accessible to their intended audience. Researchers collected 103 safety training handouts, brochures, and Safety Data Sheets designed for distribution to construction workers and scored them for readability and suitability . Results showed that many of the materials were difficult to read and lacked such essential features as a single, clear message, informative subtitles, and bold print to emphasize the most important points. CLICK HERE for a 1-page summary of the study's key findings; Evaluating the readability and suitability of construction occupational safety and health materials designed for workers appeared in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
October 25 @ 2pm ET (60 min). Using the Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) Program to Enhance Jobsite Safety - Now Available in Spanish. FSL is an interactive training program that teaches foremen and lead workers critical safety leadership skills. Join Dr. Stephanie Johnson of the University of Colorado as she describes how FSL works and introduces newly available course materials -- including a Spanish-language version of the program. CLICK TO REGISTER
Construction Safety and Health in the USA: Lessons From a Decade of Turmoil. John Dement, Knut Ringen, Xiuwen Sue Dong, Linda M. Goldenhar, and Christine T. Cain, 2018. Annals of Work Exposures and Health
A tool to help strengthen the safety climate on small contractors' jobsites. Journeyman Roofer and Waterproofer How to design safety training materials workers will read. Colorado Builder Fatal injuries at road construction sites among construction workers. ISHN Survey: Construction firms with union workers more likely to engage in safety best practices, training. Safety + Health