March 2017
From the Desk of Chris Trahan Cain, Executive Director
Stand-Down this May to Prevent Construction Falls
The fourth annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction will take place May 8-12, 2017. The Safety Stand-Down is a critical part of the Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction, a joint effort of OSHA, NIOSH, CPWR and the NORA Construction Sector Council. The Campaign brings together government, labor and management representatives in an effort to focus attention on the number one cause of fatal construction injuries: falls from height. In the study A National Safety Stand-down to Reduce Construction Worker Falls, CPWR and our partners explored the reach of these events. According to the study, thousands of construction firms across the country have taken part, stopping work for activities such as toolbox talks, equipment inspections and audits, and training activities to prevent falls. Between 2014 and 2016, OSHA issued more than 10,000 certificates of participation for events involving more than 2 million workers -- and estimates that the total number of workers reached so far exceeds 5 million.
Join us this year in fighting this deadly hazard. If you missed the campaign's online kickoff, The National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction: Getting Ready for the 2017 Safety Stand-Down, you can click here to view the webinar on-demand. For more information on the campaign, visit www.stopconstructionfalls.com.
Infographics for the National Campaign to Prevent Construction Falls
Visit CPWR for a series of infographics targeting fall hazards. Available in English and Spanish, they focus on preventing construction falls by raising awareness of the risk and providing steps to prevent falls - including a ladder safety app. We invite you to download them, share them, and use them in your print and online publications and other outreach activities!
Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) Down but not Out
First, the good news: a new CPWR study indicates that reported WMSDs among American construction workers fell by two thirds between 1992 and 2014. However, WMSDs are still more frequent in construction than most other work sectors. Construction laborers accounted for the largest number of WMSDs, while the mechanical trades and cement masons had the highest reported WMSD rates. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among construction workers in the United States from 1992 to 2014 has been published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine; you can read a summary of the key findings HERE.
March 15 @ 2pm ET. How are construction projects insured? Part 3. Small Projects. Mike Gerber of Builders Mutual Insurance presents in the latest installment of the "Insurance and Workers Compensation for Construction - Untangling the Mysteries" series brought to you by the NIOSH Office of Construction Safety and Health. CLICK TO REGISTER.
Occupational Health Internship Program - Apply now for summer 2017. ISHN Magazine, 2/3/2017