
Hazardous Waste Worker Training Program

CPWR works in cooperation with international/national building trades unions to provide environmental hazard protection training to construction workers who will be doing hazardous waste cleanup, lead or asbestos abatement, permit-required confined space entry, or disaster cleanup, or to those who may be exposed to chemical or biological hazards on the job.

CPWR’s training mission is to ensure that tradespeople have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to protect themselves, their co-workers, their families and communities – and the environment – when working around environmental hazards. The training is highly participatory. Experienced instructors lead small-group classroom activities and safe, practical work-related hands-on activities, especially in hazard recognition, personal protective equipment, decontamination, work practices, and monitoring principles. This training reaches about 4,000 workers each year. Special-emphasis training courses are provided to unemployed or underemployed minority workers, ages 18 to 25, in selected US cities.

CPWR — The Center for Construction Research and Training trains workers for jobs at:

  • Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Cleanup Sites
  • Superfund National Priority List Sites
  • Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Sites

Also, CPWR provides asbestos abatement training, lead abatement training, and lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) training in select states.

For additional information, email Gary Gustafson, CPWR’s Director of Environmental Hazard Training.