January 2018
From the Desk of Chris Trahan Cain, Executive Director
CPWR, NIOSH Create New FACE Report Database
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In 43% of the FACE reports investigators recommended installing protective equipment
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (NIOSH FACE) program investigates selected work-related fatalities, collecting information not captured in other data sources - including safety management and training programs, use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment on the jobsite, and recommendations for preventing similar incidents. Our researchers took all of the 768 fatality cases in construction investigated and reported between 1982 and 2015, and coded the narratives into a searchable database. Working with NIOSH, we recently published two papers describing the database and our analysis of fall fatalities contained therein. We found:
- One in five of the construction worker fatalities described in the reports occurred during the worker's first two months on the job.
- NIOSH recommended safety training in 75% of the reports.
- NIOSH recommended installing protective equipment in 43% of the reports.
- NIOSH recommended performing a job safety/hazard analysis in 40% of the reports.
- 42% of the deaths were attributed to falls, and that more than half the workers who died in falls lacked access to personal fall arrest systems (PFAS)
We invite you to take a look at the database we created: it is free for anyone to download and we encourage other researchers to do their own analyses. Please share what you find with us! The FACE database is available through the CPWR website.
OSHA invites CPWR to be an organizer for the Safe + Sound Campaign to Promote Effective Safety Programs
As a founding partner in the Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction (along with NIOSH and the NORA Construction Sector Council), CPWR has a track record of successfully spreading the news of positive, proactive things the construction industry can do to improve safety and health on the job. When OSHA asked us to join a select few national safety and health organizations in organizing the second year of their Safe + Sound Campaign last month, we said yes. It is a natural role for CPWR to join the leadership of a campaign focused on getting safety programs into practice. We have safety and health program implementation tools like the S-CAT, the FSL, and Silica-Safe ready to go, and will develop more. You'll be hearing more about the Safe Workplaces and Sound Businesses Campaign this year, along with the Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction.
On December 22, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals rejected challenges to OSHA's Silica Standard. Enforcement, which began in September 2017, will continue. CPWR offers a valuable resource on silica hazards in construction: Silica-Safe. This website is a one-stop source of information on how to prevent a silica hazard and comply with the standard, and includes a free online tool to create a silica exposure control plan.
Cold Weather Resources
The beginning of 2018 found much of the United States in the grip of a polar vortex, bringing bone-chilling temperatures to many states. Construction workers who work outside during the winter months are at risk of hypothermia, frostbite, and trench foot. We invite contractors, safety professionals, and others to download CPWR's Hazard Alert and Toolbox Talk on cold weather safety. The Hazard Alert is also available in hard copy upon request: email CPWR for more information.
CPWR study of FACE data finds lack of PFAS a leading cause of construction fatalities
In December, CPWR and Dodge Data and Analytics released Safety Management in the Construction Industry 2017, an extensive survey of construction contractors concerning their safety management programs and practices. The report has generated widespread interest since its release, generating stories in multiple trade magazines and online venues. The effort was actually the third in a series of joint CPWR/Dodge survey studies. Want to learn more? CLICK HERE for Building a Safety Culture: Improving Safety & Health Management in the Construction Industry (2016); CLICK HERE for Safety Management in the Construction Industry (2013).
Jan. 30 @ 2pm ET (60 min). Safety Management in the Construction Industry 2017. CPWR and Dodge Data and Analytics teamed up to survey contractors about safety management practices. Donna Laquidara-Carr, Director of Industry Insights Research at Dodge, will review the key findings of the report. CLICK TO REGISTER
Improving dynamic proximity sensing and processing for smart work-zone safety. JeeWoong Park, Xiaoyu Yang, Yong K.Cho, and Jongwon Seo, 2017. Automation in Construction.
Free medical screening offers chance for life-saving early detection. ISHN