Analysis of the Fatal Accident and Control Evaluation Data (Completed – 2004-2009)
Janie Gittleman, MRP, Ph.D.
Silver Spring, MD
Ph: 301-578-8500 X8533
[email protected]
Original Project Abstract:
The Data Center has abstracted information from the NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) and developed a numeric format database. The FACE database contains 450 records and more than 80 variables from both State and the NIOSH in-house reports across 27 states between 1988 and 2003. The Data Center has analyzed the database and initially found that safety standards and safety equipment are the most frequent recommendations made by OSHA inspectors, followed by need for additional training. Overall, only less than 9% of victims were reported using safety equipment, and victims who had received safety training were more likely to use safety equipment than those without such training. Additional analyses are underway.