
Current Research

CPWR’s current five-year cooperative agreement with NIOSH to continue serving as the National Construction Center through 2024 means that we welcome new and continuing university partners into our research consortium. It also enables multi-year research projects and programs, all designed to reduce construction worker injury, death, and disease.

Five New Research Projects Aim at Preventing Suicide and Opioid-Related Deaths Among Construction Workers

Earlier this year CPWR invited industry professionals and researchers to propose studies aimed at preventing suicide and opioid-related deaths. An expert review committee considered 19 proposals, with evaluation of the efficacy and scalability of the programs studied a top priority. The committee selected five projects to receive $50,000 each from funding provided by a private sector donor.


The following pages provide short descriptions of this work, which ranges across important topics in construction worker safety and health; they also show the researchers leading the projects.

Advancing Heat Safety in Construction

Collaborative Leadership for Safety and Health in Construction

Communications, Education and Outreach Core

Construction Industry Data and Statistical Core 

Developing a National Roadmap to Reduce Chemical Exposures and Associated Health Risks among Construction Painters

Evaluation and Improvement of OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Training

Enhancing the Long-term Acceptance, Usability, and Effectiveness of Passive Exoskeletons among Construction Workers Who Vary by Sex, Age, and Prior Injury Status

Preventing Suicide and Promoting Mental Health in Construction Workers

Promoting Safety and Well-being among Sheet Metal Worker Women through Mentoring

Research to Practice (r2p) Core 

Understanding the Effectiveness of OSHA Construction Consultations in Reducing Serious Hazards