
Research to Practice (r2p)

CPWR’s Research to Practice (r2p) model and initiatives focus on accelerating the wide-spread adoption of research findings and evidence-based solutions by employers and their employees to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses by:

  • Synthesizing and translating research findings into practical resources to use on job sites to raise awareness
    of hazards and prevent injuries and illnesses, and developing and testing strategies to encourage their use.
  • Establishing r2p-focused partnerships with influential groups to engage and motivate target audiences, particularly small contractors, to implement safety measures and inform future stakeholder-driven research (practice to research or p2r).
  • Creating tools and resources for use in research dissemination planning, implementation, and evaluation.

r2p Library

This library includes tools and online resources developed to help researchers plan for and disseminate findings, and practical tools and information construction contractors, workers, and other stakeholders can use to apply the research findings on the job.

r2p Partnerships

CPWR’s r2p-focused partnerships, including industry partnerships, alliances, communities of practice, work groups and networks, create the capacity to tackle critical safety and health issues that no single group could effectively address on their own. This section includes information on their work and outputs.

[The r2p program has made] “substantial progress in encouraging stakeholder use of safety and health research, equipment designs, and r2p products, which creates impact…”
- NIOSH Construction Program Review: Expert Panel Review; 2018

Learn about current and past Research to Practice Research Projects.