
Small Study Program

CPWR is again accepting applications for funding.

CPWR’s Small Study Program provides seed money of up to $30,000 to investigate promising research and practical initiatives. Many major research projects began with a Small Study to demonstrate its viability or test the approach, and other studies have resulted in important stand-alone projects. A survey of researchers funded under this program found that more than 60 percent had published their findings in peer-reviewed journals.

We encourage innovative research proposals aiming to:

  • Reach high-risk groups, including small employers (those with 19 or fewer employees), vulnerable workers, and those in residential and light commercial construction.
  • Develop interventions that can be immediately applied on the job.
  • Engage stakeholders in partnerships that identify and overcome barriers to adopting good practices.
  • Tackle persistent or emerging issues with the use of new technologies to enhance worker safety, health, and wellbeing.
  • Translate research into practice and ensure widespread dissemination.


Proposals are accepted at any time.

How to apply for a Small Study Grant

Researchers interested in funding should review the Small Study Guidelines, which explain the requirements and process in detail. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis and can come from investigators from a wide range of disciplines, including applied computer sciences, communication sciences, construction management, consumer marketing, economics, engineering, psychology, and work organization. We also welcome innovative proposals from occupational safety and health researchers, ergonomists, epidemiologists, researchers partnering with industry practitioners, and others.

Learn more from reviewing the list of Funded Small Studies.


For questions contact:

Patricia Quinn
Program Director
(301) 495-8521
[email protected]