Preventing Injury & Improving Productivity by Reducing Manual Materials Handling
Manually lifting and moving heavy construction materials can cause strain, sprain, and related soft tissue injuries. Planning ahead for how materials will be stored, lifted, and moved reduces manual materials handling, helps contractors of all sizes stay productive and profitable, and saves workers from painful injuries.
Do you want to:
- Prevent Injuries? (learn more)
- Control lnsurance Costs? (learn more)
- Improve Productivity & Meet Schedules? (learn more)
- Win Work & Retain Employees? (learn more)
The Best Built Plans program provides free resources to help you at each project stage, starting with preparing an estimate (bidding), getting ready to start work on a new project (pre-job), once work is underway (on-the-job), and when the project is finished (look back). You can use the program as a whole or select just what you need from the section below, but consider starting at the bidding phase if you can – now is the time to budget for equipment and resources needed to ensure materials are delivered, stored, lifted, and moved safely!
We also have a Best Built Plans Contractor Tip Sheet for Manual Materials Handling that covers all the basics from our full Best Built Plans program and can be printed and used to guide your own planning and training activities.
Site Planning Tool: Worksheets, checklists, and training materials to help create and implement a manual materials handling hazard control plan for your project.
Interactive Training & Coaching Exercises and Knowledge Tests: resources covering planning lifts and selecting lift equipment, the fundamentals of safe lifting, proper lifting techniques, and warming up before lifting and moving materials
Ways to Access Best Built Plans
Ver la herramienta de planificación para contratistas de manejo de materiales en español