Safety Culture and Safety Climate

Safety Culture and Safety Climate: Research Reports and Products

CPWR has funded research that was designed to improve safety culture and safety climate on construction sites.  To date, this includes:

The Safety Climate Assessment Tool (S-CAT): A rubric-based approach to measuring construction safety climate (Tahira M.Probst, Linda M.Goldenhar, Jesse L.Byrd, and Eileen Betit. Journal of Safety Reseach, June 2019)

2017 Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr. Linda M. Goldenhar.

Safety Management and Safety Culture among Small Construction Firms (Xuanwen Wang, PhD, Xiuwen Sue Dong, DrPH, and Linda M. Goldenhar, PhD. CPWR Quarterly Data Report, April 2016)

Defining and Measuring Safety Climate: A Review of the Construction Industry Literature (Natalie V. Schwatka, Steven Hecker, and Linda M. Goldenhar. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, April 2016)

Understanding Safety Culture and Safety Climate in Construction: Existing Evidence and a Path Forward, Literature Review Summary (Steven Hecker, MSPH, and Linda M. Goldenhar, PhD. CPWR Report, January 2014)

Do Contractor Safety Assessment Program (CSAP) Scores Reflect Safety Climate? (Sparer EH, Murphy LA, Taylor KM, and Dennerlein JT. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2013)

Measurement Equivalence and Mean Comparisons of a Safety Climate Measure Across Construction Trades (Konstantin P. Cigularov, Stephanie Adams, Janie L. Gittleman, Elizabeth Haile, Peter Y. Chen. Accident Analysis and Prevention, March 2013)

Measurement equivalence of a safety climate measure among Hispanic and White Non-Hispanic construction workers (Konstantin P. Cigularov, Paige G. Lancaster, Peter Y. Chen, Janie Gittleman, and Elizabeth Haile. Safety Science, April 2013)

Creating the Climate for Making Ergonomic Changes in Construction (Laura Boatman, Debra Chaplan, Suzanne Teran. 2011)

The effects of error management climate and safety communication on safety: A multi-level study (Konstantin P. Cigularov, Peter Y. Chen, and John Rosecrance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, September 2010)

Workplace Safety Climate Surveys for City Center and Cosmopolitan Construction Projects, Las Vegas, Nevada (CPWR, January 2009)