Work Safely with Silica: New Feature!

Work Safely with Silica: New Feature!

A new feature has been added to the Work Safely With Silica website ( that allows users of the online tool,  Create-A-Plan, to confidentially save their job-specific plans to control silica so that they can be retrieved, edited and used at a later date!  Try out the new feature, and share content and suggestions for the website by emailing [email protected]. Your input will help protect workers everywhere and ensure that we all Work Safely With Silica.

And if you are new to the website, you can read more about it in this flyer, or view a webinar on its use on-demand by clicking here. The webinar provides an introduction to this one-stop source of information on silica hazards and controls, including a walkthrough of the free, online planning tool that provides a three-step approach to creating a job-specific plan for controlling silica dust and preventing related illnesses and deaths.