Falls are a leading cause of death for construction workers, with hundreds of fatalities and thousands of injuries each year. Because of this, fall prevention and protection are a priority for CPWR and the NORA Construction Sector Council. In 2012, as part of a NORA initiative, we partnered with NIOSH and OSHA to launch the National Campaign to Prevent Falls in Construction. Since that time, we have played a lead role in developing fall-related resources to support the Campaign and to support the NORA Preventing Falls Work Group.
As a lead partner in the Campaign, CPWR maintains the website stopconstructionfalls.com, which houses an extensive list of tools, information, and resources developed by CPWR and other organizations such as OSHA and NIOSH. Examples include a generic written fall protection plan, social media messaging, ideas for conducting a stand-down and educational materials like those identified below.
In support of the NORA Preventing Falls Workgroup, we have developed materials and pilot programs to reach groups at high-risk for fall- related incidents including small construction employers and their employees in English and Spanish.