r2p Partnerships

Asphalt Paving Partnership

The asphalt industry has engaged two multi-stakeholder, multidisciplinary partnerships to develop evidence-based interventions to address hazards facing the industry: the Asphalt Paving Partnership and the Silica/Asphalt Milling Machine Partnership. Since the establishment of the first partnership in the mid-1990’s, industry stakeholders, including contractors, labor, and government, have partnered to:

  • Reduce exposure to asphalt fumes
  • Reduce exposure to silica during asphalt milling
  • Reduce dermal exposures in the asphalt paving environment
  • Promote work zone safety

Learn more about the Partnership’s work and what has led to its repeated successes:


Case Studies & Presentations:

Lessons learned are also highlighted in the Construction Research to Practice (r2p) Partnership Toolkit